Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dreams can be real

Hey ppl,

I'm dreaming now and I will keep the memories of it. I do learn about it. Even that It's not real. Im here deep in my thoughts that I will never forget, some things never happened, but for me they are.

In my dreams I can do what I want, what I say and how I am. I just do there what I have to do in real life actually, what I can't do in real.

I know that It's not real, but for me it does. A dream is for me reality. So keep dreaming and do what you never could do here.


Monday, February 1, 2010

High heels on

Hey ppl,

Going to a strange place. Your high heels on, some money and ready to go.

Feeling exciting and happy to go to a different and exciting, strange city. First to the centre, just to relax and eat. It's getting dark and the clock is ticking. The cold air is coming and know that you're ready to go.

Walking on the cold streets, busses are passing, hearing your footsteps softly in the snow. Already on the station and taking the bus. Asking the right way to get to the party. Waiting, waiting and waiting. Your feet hurt, but know that you there already. Finally, you're there.

Forgetting everything, thinking about nothing, the only thing thats on your mind is getting loose.
